If you want to move your working place, bear in mind that you will have to plan the whole thing thoroughly. This process can be stressful, so the ideal scenario would be to create an office move checklist and follow each step on it. Providing stress-free relocation is always challenging, but you can avoid inconvenience and time loss with accurate planning and hiring professional services in advance.
If you ever wondered how do you plan and organize an office or business move or how do you prepare for an office move, give yourself time and start by creating your list of tasks. It will guide you through every big or small step. Make a list on your own or with the people you work with. Planning, informing all the employees, packing the whole working space, and finding cross-country movers for your company is a lot of work. Let’s go over some ideas on how to make your checklist.
Determine Your Moving Team and Make a Checklist
Once you decide to relocate, you might be wondering what is the most important thing to do before this whole process. First, you should find people you trust and start developing a strategy for the relocation.
Put Together a Planning Team For a Business Relocation
When you are sure you have the right reasons to move your enterprise, call the meeting and decide who will do what. Set clear expectations about tasks, and assign them to your team. You can schedule monthly or weekly meetings with employees or contact them and check every step about the office address change.

Plan Moving Office Costs Since Nothing Is Free
One of the most important things is planning and establishing your budget so you could find the business space you need and can afford. Then, you can proceed with other actions and tasks like hiring the movers and deciding if you need to buy more furniture for the business space. Consider the main expenses – rent in the new building, long-distance moving company, insurance, and supplies. Then contact the administration team and set the final budget.

Check Deadlines Months Before
The business relocation usually isn’t a last-minute move, so be sure your current lease termination date is planned well and adjusted with your new office’s moving in date. A good start would be to check all the deadlines.
Planning Your Relocation Day Should Be a Part of Your Office Moving Checklist
When talking about deadlines, the most important one is the relocation day itself. Therefore, it should have a checklist of its own. You should speak with your movers about the ways your employees can help them with lifting, or provide them with any other kind of assistance. Of course, you should recheck all the dates, and if there’s a delay, you’ll have spare time to organize even better and enter into this adventure relieved and ready.

Inform Service Provider About Relocation Day
The essential step in this journey is to inform your service providers. Contact your network and telephone providers (check if you want or need a new one). Also, ensure the technical department set all computers, equipment, and services. Don’t forget to change the address on your documents, and inform your clients about your new location. You should also have in mind the passing cards for all employees.

Check All Inventory Step by Step
Create a list of inventory and determine which items to take and which to donate or sell, and think about stuff you’ll have to buy, if necessary. Then create a detailed floor plan of new space and, if possible, set the position of equipment and large things. Make sure everything is packed well, and if you’re going to do it on your own, knowing some tips on how to move furniture can be useful.
Packing Guidelines Steps on the Office Moving Day
Here are some useful tips and a list of relocation supplies you need when packing and moving business to another state:
- Boxes – the essential packing material for relocation,
- Scissors – handy while opening the boxes,
- Labels – these will help to organize and unpack more efficiently,
- Packing tape – seal all things safely in the boxes,
- Packing paper – protect your stuff from scratches,
- Plastic wrap – use it to secure your things,
- Bubble wrap – important for packing fragile items you do not want to break during transportation,
- Markers – write on each box what is inside.

Researching Moving Companies Is an Essential Part of the Office Move Checklist
Have you wondered how to choose a moving company? Start by researching as many companies as you can. If you don’t have experience with moving companies and cross country movers, it is better to start looking in advance by searching reviews and recommendations. Always check their websites and all the resources you can find online. You can also contact them directly and learn about the different cross-country moving services they offer. Keep in mind that, when relocating the enterprise, you might need packing assistance as well as storage services to make the whole process easy.
Safely Plan for Moving Your Business Office
It’s crucial to find reliable movers that respect the date of the moving day and the stuff they are going to relocate (business equipment, workstations, furniture). Check with your cross-country moving company if insurance is included. If possible, meet the crew and ask all you need to know, and also give them all the required information.

Back up Important Documents and Data
Make sure all confidential data and company information are backed up. Start archiving all files and making copies (insurances, bank statements, contracts). Then contact the IT department and check one more time if everything is saved on the cloud. Advise your co-workers to check all the services they have been using.

Old Space Management
Don’t forget the place you’re leaving. Make room for the cleaning on your checklist. Ask your coworkers to clean their tables, and for the rest, hire the cleaning company. Leave the old working place like it was when you came and enjoy the new environment.