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Blog July 9, 2021

How to Move Efficiently and Without Stress

Posted in Moving 101
Jane Davis

Apart from being a freelance writer and moving expert, Jane is also an art and museum lover.

“How am I supposed to get all these finicky antique figurines through the door without breaking them, or myself, in the process? How to move efficiently? Where does one even start with the kitchen? And the whole living room?” It might have seemed like a less colossal task back then when your friends moved across the country. But, now that the moment for you to move long-distance finally arrived, it makes you feel all panicky and uncomfortable. However, take your time and breathe, because there are so many things you can do to make the relocation process less intimidating.

Sure, how can I make moving easier might not be a simple question, but it’s not worth your despair. Many have moved before you, not once or twice, but so many times that we could probably classify them into beginners, intermediate and advanced movers. Thanks to all of the cross-country movers, we’ve found out what the most efficient way to pack for moving is, and we’ll share it with you.

When to Start Packing for a Move Tips

You’re wondering when should you start packing to move? Is two months before the moving date too early? Or maybe a month is just right? Actually, as early as possible is the correct answer. Immediately, even better, since getting organized to move always takes more than you think it will. Use this one as the no.1 relocating advice, and less stressful the whole process will be. Leaving the packing until the last minute may cause many damages and breakages, which you will not be able to repair later on.

Don't let packing find you unprepared

How Can I Move My House Faster and Efficiently?

Make it easier on yourself, and pack strategically. That said, you don’t have to get rid of everything you love to make it less complicated, but it’s worth considering what not to pack when relocating. Before starting, eliminate all the unnecessary stuff from your home. Donate unwanted items, organize a sale, or, worst-case scenario, throw all the unused stuff into the trash. Decluttering will make the most significant impact on the entire packing process efficiency. If there are too many things on your list after it, then storage services are worth considering.

Group Your Belongings Strategically

If you’re moving out for the first time, knowing that spending some time tackling your belongings by category rather than by room will help. Give everything a home: furnishing, clothes, shoes, books, papers, sentimental things, kitchen appliances, fragile items, and avoid common moving mistakes, like mixing different categories in the same box. This is also the right moment to think about how to choose the best-sized boxes. Reserve the big ones for the lightweight goods, like linens and pillows; heavy objects, like books and pans, put in small ones. Don’t forget to pack all-important personal and home documents, since these are the most commonly forgotten things to pack.

Check how much your move would cost Free Quote

Don’t Even Dream of These

As the big day approaches, saying goodbye to friends will probably be one of the most difficult tasks awaiting, but you still have to take time and figure out what are the items, as well, you have to say goodbye to. Each professional moving company will have a list of non-allowables. Some of these include:

  • Hazardous items, which are all those considered explosive, flammable, or corrosive.
  • Perishables, such as foodstuff.
  • Plants may not be allowed to your new state, so make sure you check first.
  • Many of them prefer not to transport family heirlooms on account of their either sentimental or monetary value.
For safety reasons, there are things movers won't move for you

It’s Always a Good Day for Help

No matter how often you tend to do everything by yourself, this is the right moment to break a bad habit and ask for some help. Hiring professional movers would be the best choice when it comes to cross-country moving. It is a time-consuming journey, and can easily become messy when things are really down the wire. You may already have important questions to ask movers, but when choosing the right long-distance company, always consider time, cost, and reliability first.

Engaging professional help when relocating will cut down on stress and packing panic

Packing Party Is a Must

Having fun during this stage is a must. Invite your friends and family over and open the packing season together. Make sure you already have a plan beforehand and all the required materials and tools.

Necessary Packing Supplies

If you’re still wondering what is the most efficient way to pack for a move, this must-have packing materials checklist will be your best friend:

  • Boxes of various sizes,
  • Enough bubble wrap for all the breakables that need some extra loving,
  • Packing paper is your favorite! Not only can you use it as a filler to keep your stuff from shifting, but it is also clean, so it comes in handy to wrap all that dishes and glassware,
  • A tone of tape to hold things together,
  • Garbage bags, paper towels, and some spare blankets are good alternatives to consider whether you are relocating on a budget or simply wondering how to save on relocation costs. However, keep in mind that the cheapest way to move is not always the smartest one. Choose wisely what will you save your money on.

Rest assured, stress-free relocation is not a myth, but being well-prepared and equipped with packing tools is what makes it possible.

Pack Your Boxes Correctly

A recipe for disaster: overstuffing your boxes. The only way to prevent this from happening is to remember buying a few extra, just in case. Not sticking to their limits or running out of them will add even more pressure to the process while running around searching for them. When it comes to this, remember that using garbage bags is a cheaper alternative and a straightforward solution to move clothes, linens, and all sorts of soft items.

Proper materials are absolute lifesavers when it comes to relocating cross-country

Special Treatment Items

When talking about furniture, fine art, and large mirrors, your grandmother’s fine china, sensitive and expensive electronic devices such as big screen TV, pianos or other bulky instruments, your beloved house plants, wine collections, or indeed any collection, you know what to do – try a little tenderness. Don’t rush things out, and don’t pack your entire home in one day, at least not if you want it undamaged upon arrival. Thankfully, you should consider signing the dotted line for such a delicate undertaking like this one and choose a packing service for your precious belongings.

When relocating, it is all about safety of the belongings When relocating, it is all about safety of the belongings

Safety First: Lifting Techniques

Safety becomes a primary concern without using moving services, so if you opt for DIY technique, here are a few tips on avoiding injuries during your move. To maintain balance while carrying bulky objects, hold them close to your body. Bear in mind that a bad posture can be dangerous, especially for your back, so try to keep them straight. It is also essential to put the weight of the furniture on your knees rather than your back.

Taking care of yourself is the key ingredient of the process

Survival Kit Tips

To save valuable time and yourself, as well, it’s a good idea to mark your “Day 1” boxes for easy access since these are ones you’ll use first in your new home.

  • Personal documents (ID, passport, driver’s license, credit cards, medical record,)
  • Hygiene items (toilet paper, toothbrush, hand soap, dish soap, paper towels, trash bags,)
  • Towels, sheets,
  • Snacks and drinks,
  • Emergency kit,
  • Essential tools (scissors, all-purpose cutting knife, a bottle-opener,)
  • Pet items, if applicable.

This is just one of many moving hacks you’ll need for faster and less stressful long-distance moving.

Make Room for Everything, Even the Small Things

Settling in after disassembling furniture means assembling it once you’re “on the other side.” Therefore, instead of throwing them away, remember to save all the screws and nails in an extra labeled box.

Even though they appear small, these things make a big difference

Start Naming Your Boxes

One more good piece of advice on how to efficiently pack to move in a hurry, or not, especially when it comes to unloading your belongings, is labeling each box with its contents and destination room (living room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.) When it is time to move some people tend to think this is a waste of their precious time, but this one makes you a super-smart mover. And that’s a promise!

No matter the mess you're in, always know your way

Save Your Floor

No matter the type of floor in your home, the last thing you need is a carpet cleaner on the big day. There are few preventive measures you can take instead of worrying about scuffing it up. The first tip on moving furniture and other belongings is to use bubble wrap on anything that pokes or appears sharp. You’re not sure what to do? Wrap it up. Use protective blankets if you have them. Old sheets, rugs, and towels will do, as well. Creating a path with them will help you protect the floor from any accidental harm. Last but not least, try not to overlook measuring the furniture and squeezing it through the door.

Remember Friends trying to “pivot” the couch up the stairs? Well, unless you don’t want to end up like them, we recommend organizing better beforehand.

YouTube video

 How to Pack Smartly

Whether you’re relocating with your kids or even with your cat, do your homework and research on nifty gadgets designed to make the process less challenging. You might find some of these helpful:

  • Lifting straps are adjustable gadgets that will save your back by transferring weight off you and help you move heavy furniture drastically easier.
  • You can’t say no to furniture sliders, those tiny pieces of plastic. Just place them under each leg/side of the furniture and – voila! Ready to slide all over the place.
  • A furniture dolly is not something everybody has stashed away in a forgotten corner of our homes (but an old skateboard might be!), and if you’d love to have some fun, try this.

Slower is Faster

Packing without haste appears to be much faster. You could easily damage things you are so fond of or forget some of them by doing it carelessly and quickly. Even if we’re talking about last minute moving, rushing is not the right way. Remind yourself that handling things productively and diligently means one step at a time.

Be easy on yourself and get gear designed to help you

Loading Boxes Effectively

When loading the truck, one of the most common moving interstate tips is to start with the things you rarely use. Attic, basement, and garage are going in first. This way you will load the heaviest items all at once and keep them from shifting. What should come next are decorative things and devices and stuff from your daily life, such as clothes and shoes. This way, more essential items will be most accessible when you’re in the new place.

Double-Check Your Boxes

Moving day is always a bit of a challenge, so our last moving day tip is to double-check all your stuff. It is the moment all of the packing should be mostly done and a final sweep of your old home is what’s still waiting for you. Once you’re sure all of your belongings are safely loaded, you’re ready to head to your new place.

Being a smart mover with a good packing strategy might seem overwhelming but it's rewarding in the end

Know How to Move Efficiently and Stress-Free

Squeezing your home into cardboard boxes might certainly imply a few bumps here and there on a trip down memory lane. You are aware that relocating means making countless preparations and brave decisions, but you made your choice, and it’s time to go. So you’d better get packing.

What are you moving?



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